I reached the end of March and wasn’t exactly sure what I was planning on reading in April. And then somehow the below list began growing and growing and now I have no idea how I’m going to read all of these books. Luckily, I’m hella hyped for every single one. They’re almost all 2019 and 2018 releases and I can’t wait to crack each and every one of them open. If you’ve read or are planning on reading any of the below please let me know so I can get all the juicy reading details.
Don’t Date Rosa Santos | Nina Moreno
This is a book I am so freaking excited about. Full disclosure, I’ve already started it and have completely fallen in love. It follows over-achiever Rosa Santos as she finishes up her final year of high school and decides where she wants to go to college. The book centers around her small community and her complicated relationship with her mother and grandmother. The best part is her and the other women in her family are supposedly cursed by the sea, and anyone she tries to date is doomed, especially if they have a boat. The writing so far is gorgeous and it sits somewhere between being tense and hilarious. I cannot wait to finish it asap.
Blanca & Roja | Anna-Marie McLemore
I have yet to read a book by Anna-Marie McLemore, but I’ve only heard good things about her writing. I’m all for lyrical, flowery prose and I’m pretty sure this book has a whole lot of that. I don’t want to know too much about it before diving in, but I’m pretty sure it involves a pair of rival sisters, some magic, and swans.
The Dragon Republic | R.F. Kuang

Oh my god am I excited to read this book. When I saw I was approved for an ARC my jaw literally dropped to the floor. It just fell right off and now I’m walking arou—too much? Okay, okay. I just read the Poppy War last month and became so freaking obsessed with the story, the characters, the intense violence, the everything. I can only imagine this book is going to be just as good and probably even better. *crosses fingers*
The Priory of the Orange Tree | Samantha Shannon
I bought this gigantic hunk of a novel last month and have also only heard good things about it. I don’t know much about the plot besides that it is a female led adult fantasy involving dragons. I don’t really need much else to get me interested. I really hope I have time to get to this one in April because I want to be in on all this hype!
Red, White, & Royal Blue | Casey McQuiston
I’m not sure if a book has ever been more hyped than this book. (don’t @ me, I’m speaking in hyperbole) It’s been blowing up my twitter feed for weeks, and I’m just itching to get my hands on it. I’m 80% sure an arc is headed my way very very soon, and I’m 100% sure I will read it immediately once it’s in my hands. If somehow you haven’t heard of it yet, this book is a New Adult m/m romance between the prince of England and the first son of the U.S. I have a feeling it’s going to be one of my most fun reads of the year and I am e x c i t e d.
Record of a Spaceborn Few | Becky Chambers
I’m afraid to read this book mostly because I don’t want this s o f t AF series to end. I’ve never read a book/series like this one. (If you have yet to read The Long Way to a Small, Angry Plant do your self a favor and read it right now.) The characters are marshmallows and I want to hug them all. I don’t know anything about the third book, but if it’s anything like the previous two it will be an automatic 5 star read from me. If you’re not a big fan of sci-fi, but want to give it a try, this is 100% the series you need to read.
The Hating Game | Sally Thorne
I’ve been on the waiting list for this e-book from the library for approximately 15,000 weeks. I know it was a big hit last year, and as I’m trash for anything hyped, you know I’m gonna read it. I’m not the biggest fan of adult romances, but I know this is a hate to love (love) book and it involves the publishing industry (LOVE!) so I’m willing to give it a try. Not to mention I’ve only heard people rave about it, so I’m bound to enjoy at least some of it.
Books for A-spec April
I’ve decided to participate in A-spec April this month run by Jellyfable! And by participate I mean I’m going to read some A-spec related books. I’m attempting to complete 8 challenges over the course of the reading challenge and possibly more if I’m able to fit them in. If you want to participate, you can follow along @AspecApril on Twitter. & if you need some recommendations for books to read you can find them here and here.
Summer Bird Blue | Akemi Dawn Bowman
I know this book is one of the group reads, but I’m also going to count it for the challenges character on both the aro and ace spectrums, and an A-spec character of color. I know nothing about this book besides that it is a YA contemporary and involves a multiracial Asian questioning aromantic and asexual mc.
The Spy with the Red Balloon | Katherine Locke
Yet another book I’ll be reading for A-spec April is The Spy with the Red Balloon. I know this is the second book in a series, but I’ve heard it should be fine to read them out of order. Hopefully that is true because I’m going to do it anyway. This is the other group read book, but I think it also works for the challenges released in the past 12 months and new to you author. I know this book is a YA historical fantasy and features a demisexual main character.
Dare Mighty Things | Heather Kaczynski
The next book I’m planning on reading for A-spec April is Dare Mighty Things. I’ve heard BooksandLala rave about this book which only makes me want to read it more. I’m going to use this for the challenges a book recommended to you, a book released over 12 months ago, and a fantasy or sci-fi book. I don’t know too much about this book either (are you seeing a trend, yet?) but I do know it’s a YA sci-fi involving an asexual mc who’s competing to go to space.