Books to read when you’re alone for 2 weeks

lmao. I haven’t posted anything since JANUARY!!!! It is now currently AUGUST!! This year hit me freaking hard, man. I’ve been working from home since March and reading at probably half my usual speed (maybe even less). My concentration is completely shot and my brain really only has the attention span of a 15 second TikTok.

Well, I have recently quit my job and moved to South Korea!~~ Woohooooo! Im currently sitting in a room by myself and will be for the next 14 days lol. I can “leave” my room 3 times a day to pick up a meal sitting outside my door and that is it. No human contact. No walks outside. Nothing.

Since I have been neglecting all the ARCs I requested from late last year and early this year, I’ve decided this is the perfect opportunity to get to them all lol. I’m gonna throw in a couple library books if any of my holds come in over this time, but otherwise I just really want to get through all these ARCs I should have probably read months ago *oops* There is not reason I haven’t read these sooner as I’m excited about all of them and I’m sure they’re going to be amazing!!

Home Before Dark | Riley Sager

Not going to lie … I have not loved a Riley Sager book lol. The endings pretty much have always let me down, unfortunately. I know this is a haunted house story though, and those are kind of my favorite. (maybe there will be some paranormal aspects???? *fingers crossed* ) I liked their writing enough to give this book a chance though, so we shall see!

The Map From Here to There | Emery Lord

I requested this book not knowing it was a sequel to one of her previous books and that is why I have not yet read it! I did read the first in the series though ( and I loved it! ) So, I’m finally ready to get to this one. I’m sure I’ll be craving a cute YA contemporary romance over the course of these two weeks, and I have a feeling this will scratch that particular itch

Cemetery Boys | Aiden Thomas

I don’t know to much about this one (im afraid of spoilers lol) but all I know is it involves a trans brujo and a ghost (????) and really thats all I need to know to be obsessed lol. I’ve already heard great things about this book and I’m super excited to dive in and see what all the hype is about

Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger

Again, don’t know much about this once besides the fact that it follows an indigenous asexual main character and that is all I care about!! lmao. I think there are also ghosts?? maybe?? I’m pumped.

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue | V.E. Schwab

I somehow managed to snag and arc of this on Edelweiss????? Idk who they think I am, but I am not complaining lmao. This follows a girl who sold her soul to the devil (?) and involves a love story between them (??) I think. I’ll probably read anything she writes tbh, but I’m equally obsessed with this premise and can’t wait to dig in

Something to Talk About | Meryl Wilsner

I’m pretty sure this is the first wlw romance from Berkley??? If not the first ff adult romance from a big 5 publisher ?? And bitch… its 2020…. how tf is this the first one lmao. I know this is set in Hollywood and I’m pretty sure involves a romance between a director and her assistant? I’m into it.

Over the Woodward Wall | A. Deborah Baker (aka Seanan McGuire)

If you’ve read Middlegame by Seanan McGuire, you probably recognize this title. If you haven’t read middlegame—wtf is wrong with you pls do it asap. If you have read middlegame and don’t recognize it— its basically the story mentioned throughout the book. This is very much the Carry On/Fangirl of Middlegame. And I’m pumped. I was obsessed with Middlegame and remember wanting to read this story while I was reading it and LUCKY! ME!!

A Peculiar Peril | Jeff VanderMeer

So I have not read Annihilation, but I have heard many good things lol. I knows its supposed to be hella weird (I love hella weird) and thats pretty much it. When I saw the same author was releasing a similarly weird sounding book for YA I knew I had to pounce asap. It involves an alternate universe??? Possibly sci-fi or fantasy or both? Not sure. Don’t really care! I’m excited to be weirded out lol

Where Dreams Descend | Janella Angeles

I’ve literally only heard good things about this book and I can’t wait to read it asap. I know it is magical, involves a circus, and apparently has a delicious romance. Yes please??? I don’t really want to know any more than that before going in, but I’m really hoping it lives up to all my expectations!

I have a few other books I could probably get to during my quarantine period, but I’m going to just commit to these and whatever library holds come in. Hopefully I can get to them all *fingers crossed* My head has been a little all over the place because of covid-related anxiety and jet lag!! woohooooo

Here’s to rating all of these 5 stars lets gooo

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