The end of the year is coming too quickly. I am not prepared. I feel like I had so many reading plans at the beginning of the year and they are slowly crashing right this moment. Let’s be real, I cannot adhere to a tbr. It’s impossible. My brain/the library/new releases just won’t allow it.
Despite not reading almost anything I had planned to, here are a bunch of books I’ve read since the beginning of October
In a Dark Dark Wood | Ruth Ware ★★★☆☆

This book was just okay! I still am obsessed with the narrator of these books (Imogen, I love you) but the story was just kind of meh imo. Will still read anything this women writes tho lol
Sorcery of Thorns | Margaret Rogerson ★★★★★

I love this booooook! I love books about books and books about people who love books. Def one of my favorite fantasies of this year. It reminded me a but of Howl’s Moving Castle in a way. Ugh I’m excited to reread it
The Downstairs Girl | Stacey Lee ★★★★★

This was so gooood. I’m not always one for historical fiction, but I loved this. I feel like this is a history we don’t see enough in fiction, and I’m so glad I got to read this story.
Her Royal Highness | Rachel Hawkins ★★★★☆
This was precious and made me want to travel to the UK. I love boarding school books and this was that much better because it was also a royal romance and QUEER! Like ????? Yes pls
Lock Every Door | Riley Sager ★★★☆☆
I had such high hopes for this one! I loved the beginning. Being PAID to live in a super nice apartment on the UWS???? What could go wrong?? lol Something obviously went wrong because this is a thriller. For some reason I didn’t love the reveal as much as most other did but u kno that’s ok sometimes.
Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo ★★★★★
I’m so happy I loved this book lol. 2019 really was the year for adult fantasy for me. This was dark and real and I loved every minute of it. I loved college settings and I love dark mysteries. Please read this book!
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary | Junji Ito ★★★★☆

This was deliciously weird. The perfect mix of horrific imagery and hilarious cat antics
The Last Time I Lied | Riley Sager ★★★☆☆

I was not impressed! I think the thing I liked most from this one was the twist at the end. But I still did not love it. I was really looking forward to spooky at night camp setting as well.
Pumpkinheads | Rainbow Rowell ★★★☆☆

This was kind of boring! I love the setting so so much. The best part of the book was seeing the pumpkin patch. For me the romance was the secondary plot lmao
Frankenstein | Junji Ito ★★★★☆

Love that the first time I ever read Frankenstein was in graphic novel format lol. Frankenstein was just ok imo, but I was loooving the other multi-dimensional stories that came after it.
The Wife Between Us | Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen ★★★★☆

It took awhile for me to get used to their thriller writing style. For awhile all I could think about was “when is this going to get spooky?” Its such a slow build from everything-is-alright-calm to omg-im-so-tense. Like a slow boiling pot of water you don’t realize you’re in danger until you’re really in danger.
The Language of Thorns | Leigh Bardugo ★★★★☆

This book is so so beautiful. I didn’t realize it was full of illustrations until I started reading it. Obsessed. I liked some of these and loved some and was just ok about others. I think its worth reading just to see the illustrations imo
An Anonymous Girl | Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen ★★★★☆

I love the slow burn to panic this thriller has. I think I knew what to expect with their second book and ended up enjoying it a lot more because of it. Not gonna give you an information because I think you should just read it without knowing anything about it!
The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern ★★★★★

I love this book so much omg. I can’t stop thinking about it. All I can think about is when I will be able to read it again. (Unfortunately due to all the reading plans I have for the rest of the year, it will have to wait) This is not a book for everything, but it is 100% my style and I will cherish it forever
Mooncakes | Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu ★★★☆☆

I thought this was just okay! It has amazing rep (nb/f relationship, enby werewolf, witch who is hard of hearing) but the story was not my favorite