15 books to complete your goodreads reading challenge

It’s that time of the year. The weather is chilly, Christmas music can be heard outside every shop and cafe you pass on the street, and every reader is frantically trying to finish their Goodsreads challenge before the end of the year. Ah, the most wonderful time of the year.

For the past 3 years I have had no trouble completing my challenge. Ive been on track or ahead of my goal throughout the whole year. And then came 2020. I’ve been behind track since maybe June? Who knows. Time doesn’t exist anymore. (unfortunately Goodsreads does not agree)

I am currently 8 books behind schedule. It is December 10th. And thus, I must complete 15 books before the end of the year to reach my goal. Is it impossible? No. Will I do it? Literally no idea. I like to think I still have it in me.

I will not, however, be marathoning a bunch of graphic novels and manga to complete this goal (although that is a great idea and I probably should be doing it if I want to lower my stress lol) Instead, I’m going to read all my library holds that come in as well as all the arcs I’ve been neglecting this year (and last…. I know I’m a terrible person don’t look at me)

It’s time! It’s cold out so I don’t want to go outside, my apartment is cozy with all my christmas lights, and I r e f u s e to lose!!!!

Thus I have chosen the 15 books that will help me reach this goal. Some are very long. I know this is not a good idea, but I will not budge. Without further ado, please see the 15 books that will take me to the sweet Goodreads finish line this 2020.

Once and Future Witches | Alix E Harrow

I read The Ten Thousand Doors of January last year and really liked it. I have since learned about the questionable representation so I’m a little eh about it now. I’m still interested in reading this book, but maybe not as much as before (unfortunately)

My Lovely Wife | Samantha Downing

I’ve heard good things about this one. The beginning didn’t grab me as much as I was hoping, but I’m still willing to give it a chance. Booksandlala rec don’t let me down!!

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor | Hank Green

I read the first book in this series last year and absolutely loved it. A sci-fi book about social media that actually understands how social media works. What a concept! I also love Hank Green and feel like he’s my TikTok dad.

Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I’ve only heard good things about this. It’s considered horror and I’ve heard it’s “weird” which is a double yes from me.

This is How You Lose the Time War | Amal El-Mohtar

I don’t know much about this, but I know it includes a time travel war?? and a queer? romance? lol Heard good things. I’m down.

Something to Talk About | Meryl Wilsner

An ff romance I started months ago and didn’t finish. Smh. Will! finish! this month!!!

Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger

An own voices indigenous story that has ace rep. I’m literally so ashamed I haven’t read this yet lol. I think it’s one of those things where my expectations are so high? and I’m so excited to read it that I just put it off?? Am I the only one that does that?? lol

Station Eleven | Emily St John Mandel

I s2g I’ve had this book for years. Why haven’t I read it yet??? There is no excuse. I even own the physical copy now so it’s constantly staring at me from my bookshelf begging to be read. And you shall, book! This month! I swear it!

Cemetery Boys | Aiden Thomas

Woof. Another book I read should have read this fall. This sounds so good!! Why haven’t I read it!! I know its a queer romance with brujo magic and ghosts(?) Yes and yes. Really don’t know why I didn’t read this in October tbh

The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James

Tbh I got an arc of this without knowing anything about it and it somehow did really well in the goodsreads choice awards this year?? I had no idea it was so popular! I’m excited, but also a little sus.

A Peculiar Peril | Jeff Vandermeer

I’ve started this book! I unfortunately checked how long it is and realized its over 600 pages lol. My goal is to just read the whole thing this weekend. Yes! I! Can! This will be my first official Vandermeer and I’m pumped.

Plain Bad Heroines | Emily M Danfourth

Dark and queer and at a boarding(?) school. Literally yes. please. There’s nothing more I could ask for tbh

The Map From Here to There | Emery Lord

I read the first in the series earlier this year and really liked it. I started this one, but didn’t get super far? The mc’s anxiety was making me anxious lol. I think this will be good when I need a lil break from all the dark af books up above

Christmas Shopoholic | Sophie Kinsella

Christmas romance. What more do I need to say? If you’re also a fan of the terrible Netflix/Hallmark Christmas movies, you get me.

Once Upon a Winter’s Eve | Tessa Dare

Historical Christmas romance from my girl Tessa Dare. The queen. Hopefully this will get me in the ~festive~ spirit.

Well, there it is! All 15 books I’m going to read before the clock strikes 12 on January 1st. (Yes, I will be cheating and using Eastern time midnight if I can’t finish by Korea time lmao) Wish me luck fam, I need all that I can get!

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