The amount of books I have to read before the end of the year is legit starting to stress me out. It now hit me that time is truly running out and I am 100% behind on most of the arcs I requested for 2019 lmao. So, I am a mess.
I am also making the bad decision to attempt to read far more books than I will be capable of this month. I will do my best. My main goals are to 1. Catch up on arcs 2. Read my library holds and 3. Start reading my freaking physical tbr lololol.
I bought a bunch of books for my birthday in June and have I touched one of them? Bitch, of course not. I’m stupid.
So basically, cross your fingers for me, give me all the reading good vibes, tell me if any of the below are not worth my time. Plsandthankyou
Serpent & Dove | Shelby Mahurin
I am going to put this out into the universe: I will read this book. Soon. I’ve heard some amazing things, some not amazing things. Idk how I’m going to feel. I love the premise. I love witches. We’re approaching spooky szn. Let’s goooo
Don’t You Forget About Me | Mhairi McFarlane
I feel like I’m going to need this romance in my life to break up all the sff I’m about to read this month. I don’t know much about it besides the fact that there’s a dog on the cover (love!) and it involves a second chance romance? (also love)
Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
I can’t believe I haven’t read this yet. Like actually baffled with myself. It’s queer. It involves necromancy. Need I say more? I’ve pretty much only heard rave reviews of this one, so I’m desperately hoping I’m going to love it.
The Tenth Girl | Sara Faring
I know this is a “gothic psychological thriller” and that’s kind of all I need to know to be interested. The cover looks deliciously spooky and it’s been a minute since I’ve read a good thriller. Crossing my fingers I will love this one
Crier’s War | Nina Varela
A queer f/f fantasy? Yes yes yes. I don’t know anything else about this one, but I’ve heard only good things and I’m very excited to pick this one up.
Now Entering Addamsville | Francesca Zappia
I know this is a mystery and I know I loved her previous book Eliza and Her Monsters and I know nothing else. I hope it’s spooky and I hope I love it. Also I haven’t heard anyone else talk about this one yet??? V curious.
The Downstairs Girl | Stacey Lee
I heard about this months ago before it was out and I’ve been patiently waiting for it through my library holds ever since. I love the cover and I’m excited to see if I love the story just as much
Her Royal Highness | Rachel Hawkins
I loved the premise of the first book in this series, but didn’t love the execution. I’ve heard this one is even better and has some queer female characters. I’m very excited
The Winner’s Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
I’m both dying to know how this series ends and afraid based on how the previous book ended. Will I survive this? I truly don’t know.
Hello Girls | Emily Henry and Brittany Cavallaro
I’ve been meaning to read this book for about 2 months now and just haven’t. Ugh. I’ve heard only okay things about it which are really turning me off to it. My goal is to give it at least 100 pages before I make a decision. Pls hold me accountable internet.
The Merciful Crow | Margaret Owen
I started reading this one last month, but just couldn’t get into the story. I feel like I was at peak fantasy book hangover at that point though, so hopefully I’ll be able to give it a chance this month. Hopefully.
I know that feeling! Waaay too many books I need to read before the end of the year! Best of luck with your TBR
I know right!! Thanks you too 🙂